International Baccalaureate
Diploma Programme
IB DP Grade Descriptors
Group |
Subject |
IB DP Assessment
Descriptors |
1 |
English A1,
Higher Level |
1 |
English A1,
Standard Level |
2 |
Japanese A2,
Higher Level |
2 |
Japanese A2,
Standard Level |
2 |
Japanese B,
Level |
2 |
Japanese B,
Level |
2 |
Spanish B,
Higher Level |
2 |
Spanish B,
Standard Level |
2 |
Spanish ab initio, Standard
Level |
2 |
English A2,
Standard Level |
3 |
History, Higher Level |
3 |
History, Standard Level |
3 |
Information Technology in a Global
Society, Standard Level |
4 |
Biology, Higher Level |
4 |
Biology, Standard Level |
4 |
Chemistry, Higher Level |
4 |
Chemistry, Standard Level |
4 |
Physics, Higher Level |
4 |
Physics, standard Level |
5 |
Mathematics, Higher Level |
5 |
Mathematics, Standard Level |
5 |
Math. Studies, Standard Level |
6 |
Visual Arts, Higher Level |
6 |
Visual Arts, Standard Level |
6 |
Music, Higher Level |
6 |
Music, Standard Level |
Curriculum Links:
Course Index
MYP Information
MYP Grade
DP Grade
IBO website
For more
information, please contact the MYP Coordinator, DP
Coordinator, or the MS/HS Principal.
*Due to copyright
restrictions, IB descriptors located in our password
protected OIS Community site. The password is advertised via
the Educator - please contact the MS/HS principal if you
have lost it.