Welcome to the Grade 8 

Interdisciplinary Project


Your project will deal with the theme of 

The Environment


This project integrates aspects of  the core learning areas -

language A
the student’s best language, usually the school’s language of instruction

language B
a modern foreign language learned at school

history and geography

biology, chemistry, physics

course including the five branches of mathematics: number, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, probability and statistics, and discrete mathematics

visual arts and performing arts

physical education
course, including health and fitness, individual and team sports

computer and design technology

with the Areas of Interaction

Approaches to learning; community service, health and social education, environment, and homo faber.

 (International Baccalaureate Homepage http://www.ibo.org/)

Completing the Project

There are 6 parts to the project. You must complete PARTS 1 and 2 and you can then make one choice between parts 3-6. There is a theme summary section which brings all the topics together which you must complete.

There are parts of the project that require you to use computer based solutions -save all your computer based work to your folder which is at - FUZUKI/COURSES/INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECT GRADE 8/YOUR NAME.

Other parts of the project require graphs/notes/solutions and question answers in a hand produced format. Keep all these items and put them in your  provided DISPLAY FOLDER.

The project in a little more depth...

Your FINAL PRESENTATION will include the following -

A. A powerpoint presentation that includes -

A title slide that reflects the theme (The Environment) and Dividing Title slides which separate each Part you have completed

1.Any computer based activities you are asked to complete in each part

2.Slides that have your answers to the What, Where, When, Why, Who? QUESTIONS  for each part you choose.

3.Answers to the THEME  SUMMARY questions

B. Your DISPLAY FOLDER of all written work for each part completed


Your presentation will be viewed and assessed at a presentation session at the completion deadline for the project. This will be a process that involves your peers, teachers and parents.





PART1     PART2     PART 3     PART 4      PART 5      PART 6         THEME SUMMARY