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Saturday, October 7, 2006 This year’s theme: OIS and SIS Teamwork 今年のテーマ: OISとSISのチームワーク |
had a successful Sports Day this year, despite the sudden rain that caused us
to move the opening march to the Genkan. The events
that were held for the Middle/High School were Dodge Ball, Frisbee, Obstacle
Course, Borrowing Race, Tug-of-War, Big Jump Rope, and three different
relays. Congratulations to the 12th
grade on their victory. 12年生、優勝をおめでとうございます。
On Mixed-Grade Teams 縦割りチームについて There was some positive feedback from students who actually wanted to have mixed-grade teams instead of one team for each grade (the current system) from both OIS and SIS. One advantage would be that the team ability would balance, and it would be more thrilling to have an unpredictability to the outcome (which team will win). Also, it would be a great chance to get to know students from other grades, particularly for younger students that don't get many chances to interact with their older peers. Finally, some students felt that sportsmanship and manners would improve by having mixed-grade teams. (One idea was that the HS formed teams by grade, and that the MS used mixed-grade teams.) 現行の学年チームより、縦割りチームを望む生徒からはこのような意見がよせられました。まず、各チームの能力や可能性がバランスし、定番の順位にならない(つまり、結果を予想出来ない)方が面白いと感じた生徒がいました。また、他の学年の生徒と友達を作る機会にもなり、特に普段は接触しにくい先輩と交流が深まることを期待していた生徒もいました。最後に、スポーツマンシップやマナーと言った、根本的な態度が向上するという意見もありました。(中等部だけが縦割りチームに分かれて、高等部は今のシステムを使うというアイデアもありました。) However, many students wanted to keep the current system. The first group of opinions were those that felt it would be too "difficult" to realize: the actual gap in strength between all of the grades, the complexity in mixing MS and HS students, or the difficulty in practicing together or contacting other members of the same team. Next, we had opinions from lower grades that they wouldn't be able to voice their opinions in a team led by much-older students, or that the unity of the team would fall apart with such an age difference. Some also felt that there was a unique "excitement" to being able to win against upper grades that wouldn't exist with mixed-grade teams. Most of all, however, students felt that it wouldn't be fun or enjoyable to be in a mixed-grade team, or that there would be less excitement to participating. しかし、現行のシステムを望む意見も多く、いくつかの種類にこの意見が分かれました。まず、縦割りチーム実現する難しさに関わる意見では、力の差が低学年と高学年の間で大きすぎることや、中等部と高等部の生徒を混ぜる複雑さなどが指摘されました。また、縦割りチームでは練習がしにくかったり、連絡が取り合いにくいという意見もありました。さらに、低学年の方からは、そのようなチームでは自分達の意見が出しにくいのではないか、と心配したり、学年の結束力が低下するという考えもありました。下克上自体にスリルがあるので今のチーム分けを続けたいと思う生徒もいたようです。そして、最も多かったのが、縦割りチームでは自分達のやる気が出ないとか、楽しくないといった意見でした。 縦割りチームに賛成:84人(22.0%) 反対:297人(78.0%) We have not decided how we will divide the teams for next year's Sports Day yet, so stay tuned for any updates. 来年のスポーツ・デイでどういうチーム分けをするかまだ決定していません。またこの問題について進展がある時に報告したいと思います。 |