『世界は千里でひとつになる The World Comes Together in Senri』

海外子女教育情報センター(INFOE)発行 『月刊 INFOE』連載記事より

第15回 The Music Program at Senri/Osaka International School

John Secomb – Music Teacher

The music program at SOIS is part of the shared programs which operates in a unique school environment. The music program is compulsory for students in grade six to nine and students have a choice of participating in Middle School Chorus, Band or Orchestra (Strings). The program is designed to be very much “hands on” with a focus on performance. Regular concerts are held and all students take part.
Courses in the Middle School cater for students at different levels e.g. MS Beginner Strings, MS Intermediate Strings and MS Performance Strings. These courses are offered across grades – i.e. they are vertically structured with students from Grade 6-9 participating according to their ability level.
High School courses are offered in two ability levels, HS Concert Strings/Band and HS String/Wind Ensemble; the latter being available to more advanced students, usually by audition or at the Director’s discretion. There is a HS Chorus for students who wish to sing. They work on a wide range of repertoire from different genres and diverse cultures.

Students have many opportunities to become involved in the Middle/High School music program.
 An extensive recital series aimed at allowing all musicians an opportunity to play in a more formal setting – students volunteer to play in these recitals.
 An “All School Production” where students and community from both schools, across grade levels work to perform a musical with a full pit orchestra. Recent productions include:
Annie, Oliver, Brundibar, Yuzuru, The King and I, and Sound of Music.
 A concert series for all levels from grade 6 – 12 in a range of ensembles with full instrumentation - The graded selection of the music performed, is equivalent to the best ensembles in the same grade levels in the USA.
 Courses are offered in IB Music (Higher and Standard levels) as part of the International Baccalaureate program.
 An instrument rental program was set up to ensure that all students have access to an instrument at minimal individual cost.
 Students have participated in the International Honor Band and Orchestra Festivals in Europe and in the Asian Pacific Activity Conference (APAC) Activities for HS Chorus, Band and Orchestra. Some students have been accepted to attend Tanglewood and Interlachen in the USA.
 Outstanding students have gone on to major in music at places such as: The Royal Academy of Music in London, Oberlin and the Paris Conservatory of Music.

The school has two concerts each year in Maple Hall, a beautiful hall in Minoh City which has very good acoustics, to showcase the work of the best, high school ensembles. There is an extensive instrumental and vocal teaching program after hours, with some fine work being done by visiting teaching staff, which greatly enhances the work being done in the school program. SOIS is fortunate to have developed such a fine music program and many thanks must go to the people who set it up, the administration and the school community who are very supportive.



 年に数回行われるリサイタル---フォーマルな雰囲気で、生徒が個人的に演奏を発表する機会を与えています。
 オールスクールプロダクション---SIS,OIS両校から参加する生徒たちによるミュージカル劇を、ピットでのオーケストラの生演奏とともに披露します。最近の演目はアニー、オリバー、ブランディバール、夕鶴、王様と私、サウンドオブミュージック、などです。
 6年生から12年生までのすべてのレベルのクラスが一連のコンサートに出演します。どの楽団もフル編成です。演奏する曲は、アメリカでの同じ年齢の生徒が取り組んでいる最高レベルのものに比するといえるでしょう。
 IB(インターナショナルバカロレア)の音楽授業も、上級、標準という二つのレベルで提供されています。
 楽器レンタルのシステムを持っていますので、低料金で、すべての生徒が自分の楽器を使っての練習ができます。
 ヨーロッパで開催される国際的なバンド・オーケストラのフェスティバルに参加をしたり、また、コーラス、バンド、オーケストラとも、アジアのインター校との合同演奏会に参加してきました。アメリカのTanglewood や、Interlochenに編入した生徒もいます。
 音楽で優秀だった生徒のなかでは、卒業後イギリスのThe Royal Academy of Music in Londonや、フランスのParis Conservatory of Music, アメリカのOberlin に進学した生徒もいます。



John Secomb – Music Teacher
John has been Director of Orchestras at Senri/Osaka International School for six years and Music Coordinator for the past three years. He has had wide experience working with young musicians at all levels. Before his arrival in Japan, he was working at Wesley College in Melbourne, Australia; where for many years he was Head of Music. He is a founding member and current board member of the Australian Strings Association – an organization set up to support string players, makers and teachers.

セコム氏はSIS/OISのオーケストラプログラム責任者として同校に6年勤務。過去3年は音楽科主任も兼任。様々なレベルの若き音楽家を指導する幅広い経験をつんできました。日本に来る前はオーストラリア、メルボルンのWesley College(私学高校)で、長年音楽科主任として教えていました。Australian Strings Associationという、弦楽器の奏者、製作者、指導者をサポートするために作られた団体の創設メンバーの一人であり、現在は役員を務めています。

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Senri International School Foundation, All Rights Reserved. Modified 2008/06/03