Note: In order to use media player there must be a sound card installed
on the computer. Open a Word document.
Programs, Accessories, Entertainment, Media
Player. . . Switch between the Media Player and Microsoft Word
by clicking on their respective icons on the Windows task bar. Select Media
Player. . . Under DEVICE
select Video for Windows. . . Locate the video file to be inserted into the Word
document. Click on the file once to
select it. Click
Open. . Under EDIT select
Options. Specify the
desired options in the Options window. Auto
Rewind: Video rewinds itself. Auto
Repeat: Video Repeats itself. Control Bar on
Playback: Check to show control bar on the playback window. Un-check
to disable this feature. Border around
document: Places a border around the video playback window. Un-check
to disable this feature. Play in client
document: When checked, will play in the Word document. When unchecked
will play in a separate media player window. Click OK.
Under EDIT select
Copy Object. Switch to Word by clicking
on the word icon on the Windows task bar (see step one). . Click on the part of the
document where the video file will be inserted. Under EDIT select
Paste. . The video is
inserted into the document as an object. . Double click the video object to play the video. .
Insert a
video file into a Word document by using Media Player (a Microsoft Windows
accessory that plays audio, video, or animation files).
Media Player from the Start menu.