Once you’ve gotten over the compactness of your new home, we strongly suggest you introduce yourself to your new neighbours. Traditionally this is done by way of a small gift from you (usually food such as cakes, candy or chocolate from your home country), accompanied by a business card. Your Japanese neighbours may or may not speak your language, but will appreciate any effort you make. You should think about introducing yourself to those families who ‘touch’ your residence and live directly opposite.

Next, you must walk around your area. Discover where your local parks are, the local post-office, supermarket, restaurants, and train station. This will help prevent you getting lost in two days time!

It’s also vital that you learn your address and phone number in Japanese. This is important in emergencies such as calling an ambulance, and ordering pizza! It’s also useful when trying to get home by taxi.

Two organizations which will help you to understand Japan are Welcome Furoshiki (06-6441-2584) and Bridges to Osaka (06-6324-1240 or The former will arrange for a representative to meet you and talk to you about living in Japan. The Welcome Furoshiki representative will provide you with lots of free useful literature on Osaka, all bound in a beautiful furoshiki. Bridges to Osaka is run by the local YWCA, and offers wonderful courses and information days, and is focused more on the cultural aspects of Japan. You should seriously consider becoming involved in some of their outings.



Once your visa has been organized and you have registered with your local city office, please make sure that you register with your consulate here in Osaka. These offices will provide you with literature regarding your local area, and some of your responsibilities. Take some time to read the literature provided.