2004 All School Production

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Director's Note

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As director of this year's All School Production, I must first thank everyone involved for working so tirelessly over the past three months. Mrs. Osako for being such a wonderful producer, Miss Factora for leading the Elementary School choir, Ms. Mannerheim for once again her brilliantly creative costumes and sets, Baba-san for sewing the skirts, Miss Hunter for her beautiful props and of course Mr. Marocco who put up with all of our changes to the score and still managed to come up with such an amazing accompaniment. Thank you also to students, Meelad Moaphi for being our assistant director and Miki Waterhouse for being our assistant choreographer. 
"Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" is a fantastic musical of which we can all be proud. OIS and SIS students spent many hours rehearsing both vocals and choreography to retell the story of Joseph, his brothers and the amazing dreamcoat. 
From the auditions to final dress rehearsals, the cast and crew enjoyed the process of putting this musical together. We have been entertained with Takamichi Baba's dramatics and microphone testing, Robert Secomb's attempts at a French accent, Arie Moriguchi's acappellas even after the stage lights have gone out and Meelad Moaphi's impersonations of Elvis. Therefore, it is with much excitement and pleasure that we present to you the 2004 All School Production. 
I sincerely hope you enjoy "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" just as much as I have enjoyed directing it and working with such enthusiastic students.

Asha Honisett 
Director/Choreographer: All School Production 2004
All School Productionの本年度演出家として、まずは過去3ヶ月に渡って頑張り続けてくれたみんなに感謝したいと思います。素晴らしきプロデューサーである大迫先生、エレメンタリー生徒のコーラスを指導してくださったファクトーラ先生、昨年に続き今年もきれいな衣装とセットを用意してくださったマナハイム先生、裁縫を手伝ってくださった馬場さん、素敵な小道具を作ってくださったハンター先生、そして幾度もの変更にめげることなく見事な伴奏を提供してくださったマロッコ先生。さらには生徒演出のミラードと生徒振付師の美希。みんなありがとう。
そして、オーディションから最後のドレスリハーサルにいたるまで、このミュージカルのすべてを、みんなで楽しんできました。たとえば、孝道の演技やマイクテスト、ロバートのフランス訛り、ステージ照明が消えた後も止むことのない愛理のアカペラ、ミラードによるエルビスの物まね…その興奮と楽しさの冷めやらぬ中、皆様に本年度のAll School Productionをお届けしたいと思います。

All School Production 2004 演出/振付

modified 2004/12/03