My Trip to Michigan
My family planning on a trip,
A trip to Michigan,
To Michigan from the sunny state California.
Early in the
morning,Our family broke the silence in the silent house.
Minutes later, we were on the Freeway.
After quite a long time,
It started to rain.
The rain turned into snowflakes...
Te snowflakes turned into thicker snowballs...
they turned into our joy.
We finally couldn't resist the temptation of fun,
And had to stop to enjoy all the fun!!
For two hours we had to stop and play in the snow,
Then we just had to get back on the road!!
After all the joy and the party we had,
We had to start think about the destination we had.
We had to hurry and better get going,
But first needed to get heated by the car that was about to get going.
We needed to hurry for the rest of the trip,
After all, we had a long way to go you know.