Authors, readings and
other visitors.
From time to time we have authors who visit the school to
talk about their work and read their books to the students.
We also have teachers in school who move out of their
regular roles and share some of their favorite stories.
here for
a Windows media playlist of all the audio files on this
November 14th - 18th, Book Week
This week we had a few teachers reading
some stories to the elementary classes.
Swim, Little Wombat, Swim by
Charles Fuge |
Zin! Zin! Zin! a violin by by
Lloyd Moss, and Marjorie Priceman (Illustrator) |
Mr. Lewis read this story to
the Kindergarten about a Wombat learning to swim
with his new friend Platypus. |
Mr. Heimer gives us his
rendition of the instruments coming together to make
beautiful music. |
October 5th - Jeffery Fulvimari
Jeffrey Fulvimari (www.jeffreyfulvimari.com
in either English or Japanese) visited our school on
Wed., 5 Oct. in the library. He is a graphic artist who recently illustrated a
children’s book written by Madonna, English Roses. Mr. Fulvimari will
gave two sessions geared primarily for Elementary
March 1st - 3rd - 2005, Elizabeth Honey
Elizabeth Honey visited school in March 2005, spending time
with the elementary students, reading and talking about her books.
introductory biography says that she "was a
weedy child who always seemed to have a sore throat, so her parents didn't send
her to school until she was nearly seven. The Honeys lived on a farm in the bush
near Wonthaggi, Victoria. There were four kids and Elizabeth was number three.
With her younger sister Mary, Elizabeth puzzled over jigsaws, played with the
dogs, climbed trees and one way or another did a lot of pretending, on horses or
tractors, in dress-ups or with glove puppets, round old trucks, cubbies, dams
and hay sheds.
Elizabeth's first picture book, Princess Beatrice and the Rotten Robber was
published in 1988. She now lives in Richmond, Melbourne, with her graphic
designer husband, her two grown-up children and Dup, a scruffy little terrier.
While in school Elizabeth recorded some readings of her
stories to be shared amongst the school community. Have a listen.
The Cherry Dress
