Open a Word document and type answers to these questions:
Explain the relationship between
the launch of the first artificial earth satellite called Sputnik by the
USSR in 1957 and the birth of the InternetHelp Me
What was ARPANET? Why was it so
important to the eventual development of the Internet?Help Me
Briefly explain what gpacket
switchingh is and why it is so important to the operation of the Internet?
Help Me
What is a protocol? Why does the
Internet need a protocol? What is TCP/IP?Help Me
What is a domain name? Why are
they important? What was the first ever domain name?
Help Me
Help Me again
How many host computers (a computer
with an internet connection) were connected in 1969? What year did
the Internet reach 1000 host computers? 100,000?
One million hosts? Ten million? How many host computers are their estimated
to be in the world now?Help Me