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Ethics Bibliography

This bibliography was compiled by Susan Tyerman, Lecturer, School of Computer and Information Science, University of South Australia.

ABC Legal Department 1999, ABC all-media law handbook : for journalists, presenters, program makers, authors, editors and publishers, 4th edition, ABC Enterprises, Sydney. 343.940998 A134.4

Communications of the ACM December 1995, Volume 38, Number 12. PER 001.64 A849

Baase, Sara 1997, A gift of fire: Social, legal and ethical issues in computing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Bertman, Stephen 1998, Hyperculture : the human cost of speed, Praeger, Westport, Conn. 306.46 B544

Brooks, Frederick P. 1975, The mythical man-month: essays on software engineering, Addison-Wesley,Reading. 005.3 B873 

Chapanis, Alphonse, 1996, Human factors in systems engineering, Wiley, New York. 620.82 C462 

Crandall, Richard E. 1998, A network orange : logic and responsibility in the Computer Age, Springer, New York. 303.4834 C891 

Dreyfus, Suelette 1997, Underground: tales of hacking, madness and obsession on the electronic frontier, Mandarin, Melbourne. 364.168 D778 

Flowers, Stephen 1996, Software failure, management failure : amazing stories and cautionary tales, Wiley, New York. 005.1 F664 

Forcht, Karen A., 1994, Computer security management, ITP Course Technology, Cambridge. 658.478 F698c 

Forester, Tom, 1991, Computers in the human context: Information Technology, productivity and people, The MIT Press, Cambridge. 303.4834 C7386 

Forester, Tom & Morrison, Perry 1990, Computer ethics: cautionary tales and ethical dilemmas in computing, MIT press. 174.90904 F717.B 

Huff, Chuck & Finholt, Thomas 1994, Social Issues in Computing: putting computing in its place, McGraw-Hill, New York. 303.4834 S678 

Jackson, K.M. & Hruska J.(editors) 1994, Computer Security Reference Book, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. 005.8 C7385 

Johnson, Deborah G. and Nissenbaum, Helen 1995, Computers, Ethics & Social Values, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 

Jones, Barry 1995, Sleepers wake! Technology and the future of work., Oxford University Press, Melbourne. 303.483 J76.4 

Kyas, Othmar 1997, Internet security : risk analysis, strategies and firewalls, International Thomson Computer Press, London. 005.8 K99 

Landauer, Thomas K. 1995, The trouble with computers: usefulness, usability and productivity, MIT press, Cambridge. 004.019 L253 

Langford, Duncan 1995, Practical computer ethics, McGraw-Hill, London. 174.90904 L278 

Levy, Steven 1994, Hackers : heroes of the computer revolution, Penguin, London. 364.168 L668 

Lynch, Daniel C. and Lundquist, Leslie, 1996. Digital money : the new era of Internet commerce, Wiley, New York. 005.82 L987 

Martin, Chuck 1997, The Digital Estate: Strategies for competing, surviving and thriving in an internetworked world, McGraw-Hill, New York. 658.05 M379 

Norman, Donald A. 1988, The design of everyday things, Doubleday, New York. 620.82 N842.D 

Norman, Donald A. 1998, The invisible computer, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 004.019 N842

Norman, Donald A. and Draper, Stephen W. (editors) 1986, User Centered System Design, LawrenceErlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, N.J. 004.019 U84

Petre, Daniel, 1998, Father time, Pan MacMillian, Sydney 306.8742 P493

Pfleeger, Charles P. 1997, Security in computing, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J. 005.8 P531.2

Randall, Neil 1997, The soul of the Internet : net gods, netizens and the wiring of the world, International Thomson Computer Press, London. 004.678 R189 

Redmill, Felix and Rajan, Jane (editors) 1997, Human factors in safety-critical systems, Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston. 005.1 H918 

Schick Jr., Theodore 1995, How to think about weird things : critical thinking for a new age, Mayfield Pub. Co., Mountain View, Calif. 001.901 S331 

Shasha, Dennis and Lazere, Cathy 1998, Out of their minds : the lives and discoveries of 15 great computer scientists, Copernicus, New York. 004.0922 S532 199 

Stallings, William 1999, Cryptography and network security : principles and practice, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J. 005.8 S782.2 

Stoll, Clifford 1991, The Cuckoo's egg : tracking a spy through the maze of computer espionage, Pan Books, London. 364.1680973 S875 

Stoll, Clifford 1996, Silicon snake oil : second thoughts on the information highway, Pan, London. 303.4833 S875 

Sutcliffe, Alistair 1995, Human-computer interface design, Macmillan, Houndmills. 004.019 S965.2 

Trenner, Lesley and Bawa, Joanna 1998, The politics of usability : a practical guide to designing usable systems in industry, Springer, London. 658.05 T794 

Turkle, Sherry 1984, The second self : computers and the human spirit, Simon and Schuster, New York. 001.64 T939

Weizenbaum, Joseph 1993, Computer Power and Human Reason, Penguin, Ringwood, Victoria. 303.4834 W436  ・

Wertheim, Margaret 1999, The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace, Doubleday, Sydney. 303.4834 W499 

Willard, Nancy E. 1997, The cyber ethics reader, McGraw-Hill, New York. 174.90904 W694 

Wysocki, Robert K. and DeMichiell, Robert L. 1997, Managing information across the enterprise, Wiley, New York. 658.4038 W994m 



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