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Osaka International School

Business and Employmen

Word Processing & Desk Top Publishing

Word processing and Desktop Publishing (DTP) applications are used more often by more people every day than any other type of computer application. The basic skills used in word processing and DTP programs are also used in one way or another in most other kinds of software.


To create text documents on a computer people use a word processing program like MS Word, Lotus WordPro, or WordPerfect.

This web site has everything you ever wanted to know about typewriters (but were afraid to ask)

Here's another site with way too much information about old typewriters

This page has nice pictures of old typewriters

And this is another typewriter museum page

OK on with the work...

Start by reading Computer Confluence pages 126 - 133

Then complete each of the tasks detailed below

1.  Use a word processor to type a brief report to evaluate the effects of Desk Top Publishing (DTP) on the right to publish, eg freedom of the press, free exchange of ideas from the viewpoint of a country where there is no freedom of the press or limited freedom.

- the governmentfs reasons for limiting this freedom and the consequences of DTP
- the effect of DTP from the viewpoint of the government and also the citizens

Freedominfo.org. 2002, eThe online network of freedom of information advocatesf,  
http://www.freedominfo.org/    ( 4 Feb 2003 )

Sussman, L. 1999. eCensor Dot Gov The Internet and Press Freedom 2000f. 
2 Feb 2003 )

DUE: Wednesday 15th October by 2:30pm

2.  Economic effects of DTP on business

a) As a new employee in a real estate company you can see the amount of money being spent paying a publishing house to print the monthly real estate magazine. In a letter (use a Word template) to the owner explain the benefits of using DTP to produce the magazine in-house. Back up your claim with facts and figures (cost of hardware, software, and training).

In Graphic Detail: A beginner's guide to desktop publishing (DTP) for organizations without graphic design staff (April 07, 2003)

How Do You Do Desktop Publishing? - DTP Q & A


b) Imagine you are the owner of a DTP company. Using the Word letter template type a half page letter to the owner of the real estate company explaining the benefits of using your company to publish his monthly real estate magazine.

Everybody's a Designer - but are we saving money?

Desktop Publishing: Quality tool, or an aid to mediocrity?

Desk Top Publishing: Should You Do It In-House or Have It Done Outside?

Provide a conclusion weighing up of both sides of the argument.
Tuesday 21st October by 10:35am

3.   3.  Intellectual property issues associated with reproduction and/or transformation of digitized text

a) Explain the copyright laws
in a country you know (Japan, USA, UK etc). As an author of work on the Internet argue a case for copyright laws.

      Copyright Laws Around the World 

      Copyright on the Web: What Law Applies? 

      Copyright Basics (USA) 

      Frequently Asked Questions About Copyright (USA) 


b) Explain the copyright laws in a country you know (Japan, USA, UK etc). As a student in your chosen country argue against copyright laws

Alston, The Hon Richard. 2002, eAustralian piracy rates among lowest in the worldf, 
9 Feb 2002 )

Australian Copyright Council. 2002, eOn-line information Centref
9 Feb 2003 )

Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts. 2002,f Intellectual Propertyf, 
9 Feb 2003 ).

Edelman M. 1999, eTRIPs in Trouble: A Survey of Intellectual Property (Non) Compliance in Latin America f, 
4 Feb 2003 )

Provide a conclusion weighing up of both sides of the argument.

DUE: Tuesday 21st October by 10:35am

4.  Effects of WP and DTP on the workplace, eg job loss, deskilling

a)  Imagine that y
ou left school in 1976 a worked as a printing apprentice with a local newspaper. After the apprenticeship you became a full-time typesetter. Describe exactly what your job involves. Explain your feelings when DTP was introduced into your workplace. How do you feel about deskilling?

Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2003. http://www.britannica.com/ ( 2 Feb 2003 ).  

Dead medium: Typesetters: a Dead Class of Media Workers


b)  Imagine that you are an employer and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of introducing WP and DTP into the workplace.

Jones International. 1999, eJones Telecommunications and Multimedia Encyclopediaf. 
2 Feb 2003 ).

Tennyson Graphics. 1996, eTennyson Graphics classic websitef
2 Feb 2003 ).  

Desktop Publishing is Neither

DUE: Thursday 23rd October by 9:35am

KEY TERMS (for your glossary)

formatting, template, spell check, grammar check, ASCII/unicode, PDF, RTF, text


  • effects of DTP on the right to publish, eg freedom of the press, free exchange of ideas

  • economic effects of DTP on business

  • intellectual property issues assoc. with reproduction and/or transformation of digitized text

  • effects of WP and DTP on the workplace, eg job loss, deskilling, surveillance

  • ergonomics/health impacts of word processing and DTP in the workplace

  • social impact of speech-enabled input/output

MARKS   /100


Q. No.

Syllabus Topic



Q1 Freedom of the press


Oct 15th

Q2 DTP in-house OR outsourced


Oct 21st

  Weighing up


Oct 21st

Q3 Argument for OR against copyright laws


Oct 21st

  Weighing up


Oct 21st

Q4 DTP employeefs view OR employerfs view


Oct 23rd




Correct information, backed up by well substantiated arguments with consideration of the local and global situation. Weighing up must consider both advantages and limitations and the final viewpoint must be well supported with factual evidence and examples.


Baase, S. 2003, A gift of fire,
Prentice Hall , New Jersey

Beekman, G. 2003, Computer Confluence: Exploring Tomorrow's Technology, Prentice Hall, New Jersey .


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