Senri International School (SIS)


Faculty | Curriculum | Class


Music at SIS is an important and valued part of the curriculum. Participation in the program is encouraged, as students benefit from the opportunity of playing or singing regularly in the various music performance courses which are offered. We believe that the program at SIS is comprehensive and offers a wide variety of choices for students.

Instrumental Music: 器楽

Instrumental Music is offered to all interested students grade 6-12 for both SIS and OIS. There is a wide variety of offerings available for virtually any interest level. These are listed below.

Middle School Beginning Band and Strings (中等部ビギニング・バンド、ストリングス)is available to all students who are interested. No prior instrumental experience is needed. Choice of instruments will be determined by consultation with directors. They are offered as year long courses during Fall, Spring and Winter Terms.

Middle School Intermediate Band and Strings (中等部インターミディエート・バンド、ストリングス)is available to students who have had prior instrumental experience and can perform at an intermediate level. They are offered as year long courses during Fall, Spring and Winter Terms.

Middle School Performance Band and Strings (中等部パフォーマンス・バンド、ストリングス)is available to students who have had prior instrumental experience and can perform at a relatively advanced level. Director approval is necessary. They are offered as year long courses during Fall, Spring and Winter Terms.

High School Rookie Band and Strings (高等部ルーキー・バンド、ストリングス)is a trimester course offered to students who have had no prior instrumental experience and have a desire to join the High School band or string program. Students who are currently playing an instrument, but would like to try playing a different instrument are very welcome too. Choice of instruments will be determined by consultation with directors. Offered only in the Spring term.

High School Guitar (高等部ギター)is available to students in the fall term who have no prior experience on guitar and have a sincere interest in learning how to play.

High School Jazz Band (高等部ジャズ・バンド)is available to students in the Winter term, who have an interest in Jazz and who demonstrate a relatively high level of proficiency on the following instruments: Trumpet, Saxophone, Trombone, Drum set, Bass (electric or acoustic), Piano / Keyboard and Guitar.

High School Concert Band and Strings (高等部コンサート・バンド、ストリングス)is available to students who have completed the Rookie Band/Strings satisfactorily and to all other students who demonstrate a moderate to high level of proficiency. They are offered as year long courses during Fall, Spring and Winter Terms.

Wind Ensemble and Symphonic String Ensemble (ウインドアンサンブル、シンフォニック・ストリング・アンサンブル)is available to High School students who demonstrate a high level of proficiency on their instrument. Director approval is required and an audition is expected. They are offered as year long courses during Fall, Spring and Winter Terms.

Choral Music: 合唱

Middle School Chorus (中等部コーラス) seeks to provide any interested middle school student—regardless of previous musical experience—an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of singing in a group. It strives to cultivate a singer’s artistic abilities and literate musicianship through a wide range of choral literature in unison, two and three voice parts from different periods of music history and cultures. Students will perform this music with appropriate technique and performance style. They should then be able to participate in concerts with more stage presence and confidence. They can expect to do at least three performances a year. Students take this as a year long course during Fall, Spring and Winter Terms.

High School Chorus (高等部コーラス) seeks to provide any interested high school student—regardless of previous musical experience—an opportunity to develop his or her singing skills in a group. It strives to cultivate a singer’s artistic abilities and literate musicianship through a wide range of choral literature in unison, two, three and four voice parts from different periods of music history and cultures. Students will perform this music with appropriate technique and performance style. They should then be able to participate in concerts with more stage presence and confidence. They can expect to do at least three performances a year. Students take this as a year long course during Fall, Spring and Winter Terms.




学校法人千里国際学園 Senri International School Foundation. Modified 2006/02/09