Plan a Trip to Anywhere!


In this project, you'll become a virtual travel agent, planning all the details of an exciting international trip.  The trip should last for two weeks and the travelers can spend US$10,000 or ¥1,200,000; you choose the destination and work out the specifics.


Launch your plan by site-seeing with Internet Explorer.


Step A 
Document Your Destination
What To Do: 

1. Choose a destination and explore it using the Internet. Read articles on your country to learn more about its history, geography, climate, language, capital and other major cities, prime attractions, and transportation. Feel free to choose an unusual destination, someplace off the beaten path. Just keep your time and budget limits in mind.
2. Open a new Word document where you can keep notes about your destination. Use the Copy command  to copy information (text, maps, photos, photo credits and captions) to your Word document.
3. When you're done collecting information about your country, you'll need to organize it. Arrange your facts, figures and photos under headings that reflect the material you've gathered, such as Country Overview, Map, Geography, Climate, Population and Special Attractions.
4 Now you need to draw up some plans.  Take some scratch paper (there is usually some near the printers) and make some sketches to show what your Travel Spreadsheet might look like.  You will be handing these plans in when you have finished this project, so please do them properly.

Step B 
Setting Your Travel Budget
What to do:
Now figure out how to make your traveler's time and money stretch to fit the trip. Here's how.


Open an Excel worksheet, and name it "Travel Budget".


In cell A1, type a descriptive title for your worksheet, such as "Budget for Two Weeks in Brazil."


In cell A3, type Total Budget. Enter your budget figure in cell D3.


In cells A5 to D5, type the following column labels: Date, Item, Cost (US$ or ¥), and Balance.


In cell D6, enter the formula =D3-C6, to subtract your first item from the total budget.


In cell D7, enter the formula =D6-C7, to account for the next item.


Copy the formula in D7 down to the next 10 cells in column D.


Save your worksheet.


Virtual Tourist Pre-Home Page

World Health Organization WWW Home Page

U.S. Dept. of State, Travel Warnings

United States Information Service 

Nerd World/Travel Category Tree 

Nerd World/Travel-Europe 

Lonely Planet Online

How Far Is It?

Railroad Timetables on the Internet 

Foreign Languages for Travelers

Expedia Global Travel Service

Travel Health Online

Travelocity Home Page 

Step C 
Getting There, Getting Around
What to do: Now you'll fill in the logistical details: travel to and from your destination country, travel within the country, lodging, meals, and other necessities.


In your Travel Budget worksheet, click cell A6 and type a starting date for your trip. (Since this is a virtual trip, any date will do.)


Enter the airline name and price into cells B6 and C6 respectively.


In cells A7 to C17, enter additional data for the rest of the trip. Include all expenses, such as hotel, local travel, food, shopping, and entertainment, based on the information you can find on the web. Keep a close eye on your overall timeframe and budget as you plan. If you need more lines for all your expenses just drag the formulas down. 


Save your work. in your folder and on the Fuzuki server Fuzuki/Courses/OIS IDT/grade 9 folder.  Don't forget to hand in your plans to Mr. Adams



Use Microsoft Excel to detail your travel budget and itinerary.