Photoshop Elements is the type of software tool that photographers, designers and illustrators use daily to enhance and change their digital images. There are many companies who make programs designed for this purpose. The products they produce all contain a common set of tools, along with some special features particular to each manufacturer.
The program interface is the link between the user and the software. Most graphics packages work with a system that includes a series of menus, tools, palettes and dialog boxes. These devices give the user access to the features of the program. The images themselves are contained in windows that can be sized and zoomed.
The Windows XP interface for Adobe Photoshop Elements, notice the Toolbox on the left of the screen and the dialogue boxes to the right of the photograph
Photoshop Elements contains five specialist menus, as well as the usual File, Edit, View, Window and Help headings. (a) Image menu. (b) Enhance menu. (c) Layer menu. (d) Select menu (e) Filter menu. (f)Sub-menu