Grade Nine Information and Design Technology

Interdisciplinary Website

bullet Interdisciplinary Website Index
bullet Investigate
bullet Design & Plan
bullet Create
bullet Evaluate

An MYP interdisciplinary unit of work between Gr. 9 IDT and English

Design Technology work always begins with some research or investigation. For this class you are required to design and produce a series of web pages that you will use to present the work you do this trimester in English in your study of either This Boy's Life, The Bean Trees, Antigone or some other work. As your task is going to involve creating a series of web pages, it makes sense for you to do some research on different types of web pages.

Luckily, it is very easy to look at all different types of web pages

Search the internet for different examples of web pages.

Carefully examine the types of web page examples that you have found. Try to answer these questions:

What are they used for?
Why are they constructed they way they are?
What type of text, graphics or decoration do they have?
What information is is the page providing?
Why do they look the way they do?

Design & Plan
As you come to make a page (or a series of linked pages) you must first draw some designs of your pages. Your designs must include the colour scheme, the fonts, the text and graphics as well you must show what links you will have from your page to other places. These designs can be changed and added to as you go through the trimester.

You must also write a plan to show the steps you will take from the start to the end of your project.

This is the stage when you follow your plan and turn your designs into web pages. To do this you will be using Microsoft FrontPage 2003, or This software allows you to make pages in a WYSIWYG style as well as straight HTML programming. You will most likely also use PhotoShop, Photo Editor or Paint to add graphics, colours, pictures and information to the pages.

This at the end of the process and it is time to evaluate your work.

Go back to your original plans & designs and think about what you have done, then write an evaluation of your finished page

Use this guide to help you evaluate your work:

  1. What is the purpose of the web pages~ does it fulfil it's purpose?
  2. What information is the user supposed to get from looking at your page ~ can the user get all the information they want?
  3. Did you follow your design, or did you make any changes. Explain
  4. Are you satisfied with the final product. Can you suggest any improvements?