· What is Volleyball? |
Volleyball is a sport which is played in the Olympics. It is played against 2 teams with 6 players,( 5 normal players and a libero) The 2 teams are divided by a high net. Way to score points for your team: · Hit the ball over the net. · Hit the ball inside the court. · You must hit the ball with different players. (maximum 3 hits ) It involves common techniques like spiking, blocking, passing and setting. There is also beach volleyball. |
Game Play:P They have 6 people per team, and choose the serve by a coin toss. The team that serves has to try and hit the ball over the net. The opposite team must hit the ball back no more than 3 hits. Usually, the player that gets the ball, will hit the ball back to the setter to toss the ball and hit( spike ). Errors & Faults:P Errors and faults occur when: · The same player touches the ball twice in succession. · A player carries or lifts the ball. · The player touches the net with any part of his or her body. · The libero attempts to block or hit the ball over the net. · A player is not in the correct position. · A player touches the other teams court with any part of his or her body. · A player takes more than 8seconds to serve. · There is a physical fight between players. |