Grade Eight Information and Design Technology


Site Maps


One aspect of your website is to include a site map


A site map is a visual outline of a Web site showing the page-layout plan.

It is an overview of a website that lists all the pages available and provides active links to them.


Site maps help users navigate through a Web site that has more than one page by showing the user a diagram of the entire site's contents. Similar to a book's table of contents, the site map makes it easier for a user to find information on a site without having to navigate through the site's many pages.


Here are some example site maps from popular web sites

A site map is just a series of words that are hyperlinks to the various pages on your web site.  It is like an index or contents page that users can click on to move around your site.


A site map is fairly easy to make if you have only a few pages, but once your website becomes large, making a site map can be difficult and very time consuming (which is why we don't have a site map for our school website, I haven't had time to make one yet)