MYP Technology Assessment Criteria




The following assessment criteria have been established by the IBO for computer technology and design technology subjects in the Middle Years Program. The final assessment required for IB-validated grades and certification at the end of the MYP must be based on these assessment criteria.



Criterion A


Maximum 8

Criterion B


Maximum 8

Criterion C

Create a Product/Solution

Maximum 8

Criterion D


Maximum 8

Criterion E

Personal Engagement and Independence

Maximum 4



The assessment criteria and band descriptors appear on the following pages.


       For each assessment criterion, a number of band descriptors, describing a range of achievement levels, are defined. The lowest level of achievement is represented as 0.

       The criteria are not equally weighted.

       The descriptors concentrate on positive achievement, although for the lower levels failure to achieve may be included in the description.



Criterion A: Investigate

Maximum 8


Investigation is an essential step in the design cycle. In order for this step to be assessed, students must produce documented evidence of topic research and analysis.


Level of



The student has not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student demonstrates little knowledge and ability in identifying and applying technological research skills. There is little original thought and hardly any attempt at analysis. The student lists few sources of information, some of which may be irrelevant.


The student demonstrates some knowledge and ability when identifying and applying technological research skills. There are signs of critical thinking and analysis in the work. Some thought has been given to the significance of the product/solution for people and/or the environment. The student’s use and acknowledgement of relevant sources are adequate.


The student demonstrates clear and consistent application of technological research skills. Personal comments, original thought about the need, and some analysis of the significance of the product/solution for people and/or the environment are evident. Effective use and acknowledgement of sources are demonstrated.


The student demonstrates excellent foresight when identifying and applying technological research skills. There is a high degree of questioning and critical analysis, and the appropriate use of sources is consistent. There is clear evidence that the student takes the sources into account in his/her investigation. A clear understanding of the potential significance of the product/solution is manifest.

Criterion B: Plan

Maximum 8


Planning is of primary importance in the demonstration of the ability to organize both time and resources. In order for this stage to be assessed, students must document their workplan and justify their choice of alternatives.



Level of



The student has not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student shows limited ability to identify and consider priorities. Very few alternatives are explored in relation to the task. The student is unable to predict outcomes, and therefore tends to react rather than plan. The design specification is unclear.


The student shows some ability to identify priorities and consider outcomes. Several alternatives are explored in relation to the task. There is adequate communication of ideas. The student demonstrates an awareness of time constraints.


The student demonstrates consistently the ability to identify priorities and consider possible outcomes within a given time frame. A good range of alternative ideas and resources are explored in relation to the task. There is effective communication of ideas. The student demonstrates satisfactory forward planning, structure and organization.


The student shows excellent ability to identify and consider a wide range of resources and strategies. The ideas are thoroughly developed and communicated. The work shows an outstanding level of time management and logical planning.


Criterion C: Create a Product/Solution

Maximum 8


Creating products/solutions is the aim of all technology programs. In order for this stage of the design cycle to be assessed, students must submit a process journal with all amendments to the planning stage as well as the product itself


Note:       Students will sometimes embark on very ambitious projects or ones that may encounter many unforeseen obstacles. The emphasis of MYP technology is on the exploration of its three branches and on the design process. Assessment involves the student’s engagement in the whole design cycle. In some circumstances a product or solution which is incomplete or does not function fully may still result in a good level of achievement for criterion C.



Level of



The student has not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student has difficulty using the techniques, materials and/or equipment and has little understanding of the relevance of the design specification. The procedures followed and quality of the product/solution are poor.


The student is able to use the techniques, materials and/or equipment adequately, and has generally made effective use of the design specification. Appropriate choice of techniques, materials and equipment has been made. The procedures followed and the quality of the product/solution are adequate.


The student is able to choose and use the techniques, materials and/or equipment competently, and has made the necessary modifications to the original design specification to enhance the quality of his/her work, resulting in a well-made and well-presented product/solution.


The student has demonstrated a thorough competence when choosing and using techniques, materials and/or equipment. He/she has fully justified any modification to the original design specification, and produced original and outstanding work.



 Criterion D: Evaluate

Maximum 8


Evaluation is necessary in all technology projects. In order for this stage in the design cycle to be assessed, the student must provide documentation of the assessment of both the product/solution and process, and a form of self-assessment.



Level of



The student has not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.


The student provides a poor evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of the product/solution. He/she has completed a rudimentary evaluation of the process and his/her judgement is too heavily biased towards either self-assessment or product/solution assessment.



The student has adequately recognized the significance of the evaluation process; however, the analysis is lacking elements such as justification of any deviation from the original plan, assessment of social significance, and efficiency of the planning process. The evaluation includes adequate analysis of the quality of the product/solution in relation to the original design specification.


The student is able to appropriately assess both the product/solution and his/her performance. He/she has taken into account the social significance of the product/solution and provided justification of any deviation from the original design specification. The evaluation includes a good analysis of the effectiveness and quality of the product/solution in relation to the original design specification.


The student provides a thorough evaluation (self-assessment and assessment of both product/solution and process) that manifests insight and suggests possible further improvement. The evaluation includes excellent analysis of the effectiveness and quality of the product/ solution in relation to the original design specification. The student has made good use of feedback acquired through product testing.



Criterion E: Personal Engagement and Independence

Maximum 4


This criterion focuses on an overall assessment of two aspects:


               the student’s personal engagement (motivation, general attitude, confidence, etc.)

               the degree of personal independence in his/her work.


By their very nature these qualities are difficult to quantify and the assessment should take into account the context in which the unit of work was undertaken.


The assessment should bear in mind the amount of encouragement that the student needed, the interaction between student and teacher, the student’s attention to deadlines and procedures, etc.



Level of



The student has not reached a satisfactory standard in any aspect listed above.


The student has displayed a satisfactory standard in one aspect listed above.


The student has displayed a satisfactory standard in both of the aspects listed above.


The student has displayed a high standard in one aspect listed above, and a satisfactory standard in the other.


The student has displayed a very high standard in both aspects listed above.