Course Description
Class work:
After a lesson is introduced, students are given class time to work on problems
in that lesson. Some may finish most or all of the problems assigned in class.
If finished, students may do other problems for additional practice or some of
the more challenging problems in the section. There is also a separate set of
challenge problems that will always be available. Throughout the year, I will
encourage students to present their work clearly and completely. This will be an
expectation on tests and written assignments.
Textbook and CD:
Students will receive a compact disc (CD) that contains a full text copy of
our textbook. The CD also includes spreadsheets, video clips, graphing software,
demonstrations, and simulations. The textbook stays in school and the CD stays
at home.
Homework will be used in a variety of ways. Students should begin by completing
any unfinished class work from that particular day. If students use class time
productively, most will not have much (if any) work left to finish at home.
Review homework (RHW) encourages students to reflect on methods and processes
used on past problems. Students are expected to regularly review class work and
must produce evidence of at least 60 minutes of self-study per week. Toward this
end, grade 8 students will complete a minimum of two columns of review work
every week in their notebooks. The most productive use of the review homework is
when students do a little review work each night. For some students, additional
review will be necessary in order to gain adequate practice.
Graded homework (GHW) reinforces the current topics being studied. This homework
will include problems similar to those students have done in class and will be
graded. Students will usually have one or two graded homework assignments per
unit. They can use their textbook, notes, and practice work as references, but
they should not receive any other assistance. The goal of these assignments is
to give students some feedback on how well they understand the material. Please
encourage your child to do his or her best without additional assistance.
Students will occasionally have longer assignments to be
completed over several days or weeks. Those due dates will be posted on the
I normally return tests 2-3 days following the test date. If you or your child
is unhappy with a test result, I encourage your child to go over the test again,
correct any errors, and/or meet with me to ask questions. In general, when a
student is absent for a test, the makeup will take place on the day of his/her
return (unless it is an extensive absence). Unsatisfactory test results will be
sent home for a parent signature.
Grade report:
The final grade report is made up of the four MYP assessment criteria, plus
effort & attitude. Please visit the school website to see a copy of that
criteria. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.