This is "Dios" at Kita Senri Station
It is about 5 minutes away on bike and 20 minutes of walk from the dorm.
There is many stores such as 100 yen shops and super markets inside.

This is the Kita Senri Station.
It is about 30 minutes to Umeda Osaka Station. 
It is about 45 minutes to Den Den Town in Nihon Bashi

This is Vivre which is also at Kita Senri Station
This building  is 6 stories high and has everything from food
to clothes to games to books.

This is Senri Chuo Station.
This is called Senchu PAL and this is something like a mall.
Senri Chuo is about 15 minutes away on bike and 20 minutes on the bus.

This is one of the stores at Senri Chuo Station
 and it is called "MUJIRUSHI RYOHIN"
This is a store that has no marked items and they sell non branded items from clothes to food to files, and even bikes and MD players.

This is Kansai Super. 
This is a super market that is about 5 minutes walk from the dorm.  They have a lot of things and it is very cheap.


If you are interested in some other pictures, please take a look at the Akebono Dorm Tour CD and look in the pictures file.  thank you.