Osaka International School


Middle/High School Course Descriptions




The aims for MYP mathematics are to enable students to:

  • develop a positive attitude toward the continued learning of mathematics
  • appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics, and recognize its relationship with other disciplines and with everyday life
  • appreciate the international dimensions of mathematics and its varied cultural and historical perspectives
  • gain knowledge and develop understanding of mathematical concepts
  • develop mathematical skills and apply them
  • develop the ability to communicate mathematics with appropriate symbols and language
  • develop the ability to reflect upon and evaluate the significance of their work and the work of others
  • develop patience and persistence when solving problems
  • develop and apply information and communication technology skills in the study of mathematics.


 A. Knowledge and Understanding

At the end of the course students should:

  • know and understand concepts, and demonstrate skills, from the five branches of mathematics (number, algebra, statistics and probability, geometry and trigonometry, and discrete mathematics)
  • be able to understand and use a variety of mathematical forms and should have the ability to move confidently between them.


B. Application and Reasoning

At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • select and use appropriate mathematical knowledge when investigating problems
  • select and apply appropriate mathematical skills and techniques when investigating problems
  • recognize patterns and structures and describe them as relationships or general rules when investigating problems
  • draw conclusions consistent with findings
  • justify mathematical relationships when investigating problems.


C. Communication

At the end of the course, students should be able to communicate mathematical facts, ideas, methods, results and conclusions using:

  • appropriate language and symbols
  • a variety of media and technologies.


D. Reflection and Evaluation

At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • reflect on their methods and processes
  • consider possible alternative approaches
  • evaluate the significance and reliability of their findings and the findings of others.