Families at school have recommended the following professionals and hospitals etc. Please use any reference material available to you to locate medical services that suit your needs.
Please refer to the back pocket for a condensed list of hospitals in Osaka.
Dr. Yukio Sono, 3-13-16 Nishimidorigaoka, Toyonaka, Osaka. Phone/Fax: 06-6848-0057
*On your first visit, please take a piece of paper with your name, address, phone number and date of birth written on it. Also take your Japanese insurance card (hokensho), if you have one. Being prepared will save you time.
Mito Dental Clinic. Ikeda City. About 15 minutes by car. There is also an orthodontist at the clinic. Phone: 0727-52-9450.
Dr. Keichi Sekimoto, Motomachi, Kobe.
Dr. Miyazaki. Yodoyabashi, Osaka. Phone: 06-6341-3234/3825. English and US trained, this dentist is featured in the ‘Best of Kansai’ book.
Dr Yu Maruyama, Orthodontist, Ohya Dental Clinic, 2-1 Akebono Cho, Imazu, Nishinomiya. Phone/Fax: 0798-23-2263.
Tsuchitani Children’s Clinic, Mino.
Dr. Higaki. Gracia Hospital. 10 min by car from OIS.
Dr. Fujikado. Osaka University Hospital.
Most hospitals and clinics do not make specific appointment times. On arrival you will need to register. You are then issued a personal registration card, and are required to wait your turn. Payment is required in cash before you leave the building. Receipts in English are obtainable – be polite, but persistent.
For further information, please refer to that provided by your local city office and/or embassy.