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      Elementary PYP Programme

Primary Years Programme
Curriculum framework

At the heart of the programme’s philosophy is a commitment to structured, purposeful inquiry as the leading vehicle for learning.

Six transdisciplinary themes

Six transdisciplinary themes of global significance provide the framework for exploration and study:

  • who we are
  • where we are in place and time
  • how we express ourselves
  • how the world works
  • how we organize ourselves
  • sharing the planet.

Teachers are guided by these six transdisciplinary themes as they design units of inquiry that both transcend and articulate conventional subject boundaries.

The programme can be illustrated by a hexagon with the six transdisciplinary themes surrounding six subject areas:

  • language
  • social studies
  • mathematics
  • arts
  • science
  • personal, social and physical education.

The transdisciplinary themes and subject areas outlined above form the knowledge element of the programme.

Primary years programme

Five essential elements

The five essential elements - concepts, knowledge, skills, attitudes, action, are incorporated into this framework, so that students are given the opportunity to:

  • gain knowledge that is relevant and of global significance
  • develop an understanding of concepts, which allows them to make connections throughout their learning
  • acquire transdisciplinary and disciplinary skills
  • develop attitudes that will lead to international-mindedness
  • take action as a consequence of their learning.

Curriculum model

The curriculum is expressed in three interrelated ways:

  • the written curriculum—what do we want to learn?
  • the taught curriculum—how best will we learn?
  • the assessed curriculum—how will we know what we have learned?

PYP curriculum model

Under certain conditions, schools may deliver the programme



The curriculum offers a balanced program of academic studies, activities and experiences that aim at helping students of all nationalities become self-directed individuals with a love of learning. The philosophy is child centered, offering a challenging yet supportive learning environment.

Curricular areas such as language arts, social studies, mathematics and science are integrated into Units of Inquiry. Students work independently and collaboratively through meaningful and relevant activities that actively engage them within a social context. Reading and literature provide the basis of both the language arts and social studies curricula. The writing process is practiced in every content area. Small classes allow teachers to cooperate in taking full advantage of individual subject area strengths, and to meet individual student needs. In addition, single subject teachers meet with all students on a regular basis for Japanese, art, music, computer, library skills and physical education (including an extensive aquatics program). Each classroom acts as a guidance group and is supported by the counseling staff.

The Elementary School offers a range of after-school activities outside the regular program. Clubs and community activities, sponsored by faculty and parents, are designed to encourage student participation.