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  • Do SOIS students physically build the school? No. The school is built by a professional construction company in Cambodia before the OIS seniors attend the opening ceremony in May 2009. There are opportunities for physical work: painting the school, starting a garden, installing soccer goal posts or basketball hoops.


  • How much does it cost to build the school? We need to raise $13,000 (about 1.2 million yen) to fund the building of the school, plus about $1000 more for opening ceremony expenses (staging, gifts). We hope to also raise enough money to pay for transportation in Cambodia (private bus, driver). As of March 2009, we have raised about 1 million yen.


  • How much will the trip cost per student? Probably more than past senior trips, but not excessively more. We estimate that airfare, insurance and in-country costs (hotel, food, transport) will cost about 120,000 yen per student.


  • Once the school is built, who runs it and what is our future obligation? The school is authorized and operated by the Cambodian ministry of education. We have no future obligations beyond what we choose to do. We hope to continue our support of the school by helping provide funding for such things like solar panels, a garden, a well, computers, study supplies, student sponsorship. We hope to establish continual communication with the school so that SOIS students maintain an awareness of the issues of poverty and education.


  • Will we need to raise $13,000 every year for the school? No. We are under no further financial or time obligation once the school is built.


  • In future years, will OIS seniors be required to go to Cambodia? No, not at all. The OIS senior class will always be free to choose its own trip destination. We hope that future classes – both OIS and SIS – will consider visiting our new sister school in Cambodia to further our relationship.


  • What will our students do while visiting the school? Interact with the Cambodian students – teaching and playing and sharing and learning. We hope to engage in some kind of physical activity, such as painting part of the school or helping start a garden, and put on a musical performance.


  • What is the name of the new school? SOIS School of Hope”


  • What about the danger of landmines? We have been assured that we will not be near any areas containing landmines. Safe in-country transport and accommodation will be arranged for us. An interpreter/guide will accompany us to the school.


  • What about malaria? Malaria is a concern that we will take very seriously on our trip in May. We will spend most of our time in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, where the malaria risk is low. While at the school in Prey Veng province – a rural area where the malaria risk is higher – we will take the standard precautions of wearing long pants and long-sleeve shirts in the evening and using mosquito repellent. The hotels will be air conditioned and free of mosquitoes.


  • Other health issues? The students will be required to get vaccinations for hepatitis A and tetanus. We will drink only bottled water and eat at better restaurants during the trip. We have been in close contact with the International School in Phnom Penh and the SOS medical clinic and have been assured that, while there are health risks in Cambodia, they are not excessive if proper precautions are taken.