

American Assistance for Cambodia / Japan Relief for Cambodia

(Click on “rural schools project”.)


SOS Medical Clinic in Phnom Penh


Wikipedia Cambodia article


Prey Veng Google map


Prey Veng map


Prey Veng information


Prey Veng children photos


Cambodia photos


Cambodia travel blogs


Somaly Mam Foundation


People Improvement Organization


IBO Cambodia storytelling project


United States Embassy in Phnom Penh – general information


US Embassy – Cambodia country profile


US Embassy – health information


US Department of State – general Cambodia information  


Cambodia FAQ


The Cambodia Daily newspaper


The Phnom Penh Post newspaper


“Sensitive information” about Cambodia


Khmer Rouge Rice Fields documentary


International School in Phnom Penh


ISPP handbook

Phnom Penh is a safe city where students in groups use local transportation (tuk-tuks, motos, taxis) to frequent markets or restaurants.  Like other cities, there are places where it is best not to be at certain times. Most crime is petty theft, crimes of opportunity and not necessarily by design. In most cases, theft involves being in the "wrong place at the wrong time." The school is located in a populated section of Phnom Penh, where many restaurants, housing, NGOs and businesses are also located. Many students walk or ride bikes to school, and this gives you an idea regarding the safety in this part of town, especially during the day and early evening hours.


Please visit or e-mail for more information. Thank you for your support.