Yearbook Photograph Days

It is time for us to tell everyone to get their yearbook photograph taken.  To do this we need to put up some posters around the school.

This will be a chance for us to be creative and because we will use Adobe Illustrator to make our posters, it will also be a chance for you to learn a little about the software we will use to create the yearbook.

Poster Requirements:

It can be in English or Japanese or both

It can have any message or slogan to grab people's attention (although please remember it will be on public display, so don't put anything insulting or offensive)

It can have pictures, graphics, photographs

It should be A4 size

It must have the following information ~


    School Photographs

    There will be school photographs taken next week for all staff and students. 

    The photographer will be at school on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th October from 9:00 am to 4:00pm.

    The OIS Elementary staff and students will be first.  These photographs will be taken on Monday between 9:00am and 10:30am.  

    All other staff & students from OIS and SIS Middle School / High School must have their photograph taken, either on Monday from 10:30am - 4:00pm or Tuesday 9:00am - 4:00pm during their un-scheduled time or their lunchtime.

    The Photographer will be in the Green Room beside the Theatre.


来週、全生徒、教職員の個人写真撮影が予定されています。 撮影は10月16日(月)と17日(火)の二日間午前9時から午後4時まで行われます。


エレメンタリー以外の教職員、OIS/SIS MS/HS生徒は、月曜日午前10時半より午後4時までの間か、火曜日午前9時から午後4時までのアンスケの時間、ランチタイムの間に必ず写真をとるようにしてください。撮影はシアター横のグリーンルームで行われます。



Once you have created your poster, print out four (4) copies and place them somewhere around the school.  Choose a place where they will be seen by students and parents.  (Don't put yours next to another student's poster)