Osaka International School


Middle/High School Course Descriptions


 PE Content                                                                                                                                           


Physical Education Grades 6-8

In middle school, students study various sports and activities for enjoyment and fun. Emphasis is placed on students’ study skills rather than how skillful they are at a particular sport. Study skills that are important are:

·         practicing skills, drills and modified games with concentration,

·         dressing appropriately for class,

·         respecting students of differing abilities.

 Activities that are studied are: fitness, self-challenging activities, racquet sports, net sports, individual activities, invasion games, swimming and track and field. Students learn skills that make them adaptable and able to participate in a variety of sports and activities, both in PE classes and in the Athletics program after school.


Physical Education Grades 9-10

Students in high school PE complete two activities each trimester. Each activity lasts approximately 6-8 weeks.  Students reinforce basic skills and are involved in a deeper study of the particular sports that they select. Game strategies, rules, officiating, refereeing and peer coaching are all areas that high school students are expected to learn.  Swimming and fitness are mandatory courses but students have additional choices from a number of indoor and outdoor sports offered.


Health Term Courses Grades 6-8

 Health - Grade 6

The units covered in this course are Relationships and Puberty. The course aims to give students an understanding of the physiological, social and psychological changes that come during the early teenage period of maturation.  Students will study how they can develop positive relations with others, learn to work together effectively, and develop a sense of self in a group situation. We will use a variety of classroom activities as a basis of our study including literature, discussion, role-plays, and students’ experience.

Health - Grade 7

The units covered in this course are Nutrition, Alcohol and Tobacco, and Assertiveness. The basic aim of the 7th grade course, apart from understanding the latest factual information, is to develop an appreciation of assertive behavior. Assertiveness in Health means to act in one’s own best interests, but to also care and respect other people’s rights and feelings. This includes saying, “No”, but that is not all. It also means showing appreciation, asking for help, expressing opinions, making complaints, refusing requests and standing up for your rights. Assertiveness makes an important contribution to mental well being and long-term health.

Health - Grade 8

The units covered in this course are A.I.D.S., Action Research, and Exercise and its relationship to health. The main aim is that students study how individuals can have an impact on their own health and the health of those around them. We will be working on collecting data from a variety of sources and analyzing it to form opinions, setting shared goals and planning actions. The overall aim of this area of the Health curriculum is to equip students with the necessary skills to develop their own personal learning and research skills.