Osaka International School


Middle/High School Course Descriptions

     Language B (Japanese & Foreign Languages)



 The aims of the study of a modern foreign language are to:

  • enable the student to use the language effectively as a means of practical communication
  • offer insight into the life and civilization of the communities where the language is spoken, and into the local and standard aspects of language
  • encourage integration with the local community, where relevant
  • encourage positive attitudes towards speakers of other languages and an appreciation of, and empathy for, other cultures
  • provide a sound basis of communicative skills necessary for future study, work and leisure
  • develop an appreciation of literature in the target language and, more particularly, in the language B (advanced) option develop understanding of the nature of language and the process of language learning
  • complement other areas of study by providing access to more varied sources of information
  • begin to develop an understanding of the cultural patterns that affect the thinking, feeling and acting of the societies in which the language is spoken
  • understand that total language learning comprises the integration of linguistic, cultural and social components
  • develop curiosity, interest and enjoyment in the target language.



The four skills that are fundamental to language learning are speaking, writing, listening and reading. Although they are presented separately in this guide, these skills should be seen as interactive and interdependent and should not be dealt with in isolation.

 There are also separate objectives for language B and language B (advanced). These do not differ in basic nature although more demanding objectives are included for advanced students.

 Intercultural awareness must play a special role in learning associated with a foreign language. In both language B options students should always be encouraged to use the language that they are learning as a tool to enhance the understanding of other cultures.


Language B Objectives


At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • communicate with comprehensible pronunciation and intonation
  • use a variety of vocabulary and idiom appropriately and with accuracy appropriate to the level
  • request and provide information spontaneously on a range of topics within their experience using comprehensible pronunciation and intonation
  • take part in conversation and dialogue and express personal feelings and opinions
  • take part in formal and informal discussion on a variety of topics related to the areas of interaction and to cultural issues


At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • communicate effectively and appropriately in writing about concrete or familiar situations
  • communicate effectively for a variety of purposes through the appropriate use of grammatical structures, cohesive devices, vocabulary and spelling.


At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • understand an appropriately paced conversation from various sources on a variety of concrete or familiar topics
  • understand formal and informal presentations, given in language B by native speakers, on a variety of concrete or familiar topics including cultural issues
  • understand specific factual information and attitudes expressed in a spoken context even where some unfamiliar language is included
  • recognize some different types of discourse and main ideas and draw conclusions.


At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • demonstrate comprehension of ideas in a variety of authentic material including literary and non-literary texts, some of which may be simplified
  • identify important points, main ideas and supporting details
  • extract relevant information and draw conclusions
  • identify some aspects of style.


Language B (Advanced) Objectives


At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • communicate with near-standard pronunciation and intonation
  • use a wide range of vocabulary and idiom appropriately and with accuracy appropriate to the level
  • demonstrate fluency by initiating and maintaining conversation
  • take part in formal and informal discussion on a wide variety of topics related to the areas of interaction and to cultural issues
  • express ideas and opinions clearly
  • communicate effectively in a variety of contexts in both prepared and impromptu situations
  • communicate effectively in a variety of registers.


At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • communicate effectively and appropriately in various writing styles (for example narrative, descriptive and discursive) with a good degree of fluency and accuracy
  • communicate effectively for a variety of purposes through the appropriate use of grammatical structures, cohesive devices, appropriate vocabulary, spelling and varied idiom
  • express a personal response to cultural and literary materials.


At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • understand a normally paced conversation from various sources on a wide variety of topics
  • understand formal and informal presentations given in the language B by native speakers on a wide variety of topics including cultural issues
  • understand specific factual information expressed in a spoken context even where unfamiliar language is included
  • recognize many types of discourse and main ideas, and draw conclusions.


At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • demonstrate comprehension of ideas in a variety of authentic material including literary and non-literary texts
  • identify important points, main ideas and supporting details
  • extract relevant information and draw conclusions
  • identify the aims and tone of the writer
  • recognize and describe literary techniques
  • express a personal response to cultural and literary materials.