Osaka International School


MS/HS Course Offerings 2004-2005   [1]


Grades 11-12 (IBDP)

IB Group

Standard Level Courses

Higher Level Courses

Group 1

¨       English SL

¨       English HL

Group 2  [2]

¨       Japanese A2 SL

¨       Japanese B SL

¨       Spanish Ab Initio SL

¨       Spanish B SL

¨       Japanese A2 HL

¨       Japanese B HL


Group 3

¨       History SL

¨       ITGS (Information Technology in a Global Society) SL

¨       History HL

Group 4

¨       Chemistry SL

¨       Physics SL

¨       Biology SL

¨       Chemistry HL

¨    Physics HL

¨       Biology HL

Group 5

¨       Mathematics Methods SL

¨       Mathematics Studies SL

¨       Mathematics HL


Group 6

¨       Art SL

¨       Music SL

¨       Additional Course in Groups 1-5

¨       Art HL

¨       Music HL



¨       CAS (Creativity, Action, Service)

¨       TOK (Theory of Knowledge)

¨       Extended Essay/Senior Research Paper



¨       English A2  [3]

¨       Music (Choir, Wind or String Ensemble)

¨       Multi-Media

¨       Environmental Biology[4]



[1] In designing an IB course of study, students select 3 Higher Level courses and 3 Standard Level courses. All Diploma students must also complete a one-year course in Theory of Knowledge (TOK), a two-year commitment to Creative, Active, and Community Service endeavors (CAS), and write an Extended Essay of 4000 words.  Students who take certificates in subjects must complete the same TOK and CAS requirements as diploma candidates and complete a Senior Research paper of 2500 words.

[2] Group 2 languages subject to change to satisfy demand and faculty availability

[3] English A2 is only available as an IB certificate course in grade 12.

[4] Environmental Biology is a non-IB class, and only available bi-annually (next offered in 2005/6).


Middle/High School Extra-Curricular Activities

¨       Drama (all school production) ¨       Sports & Music (School and APAC teams)
¨       Student council ¨       Club activities (with SIS clubs)